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MCR1182 - Impact of I-SEM on the Retail Market in ROI

CER’s Retail Market team asked ESB Networks in January 2015 to assess the impact of the ISEM on the Retail Market in Ireland.

Whilst the SEM is to undergo a radical transformation arising from changes to European legislation designed to create
a single wholesale electricity market across Europe, the intention of the RA’s I-SEM team is that there would be minimum impact
for the Retail Market and for Meter Data Providers arising from the I-SEM.

ESB Networks is one of the four Meter Data Providers represented at the I-SEM Metering Working Group and through that we have
been considering the impacts of the I-SEM. Output from that forum is contained in this MCR.

This MCR was initially approved at the Forum on the 2nd Nov 2016.
It was re-versioned and updated to include amendments to three additional MPDs and a new go-live date.
This re-versioned MCR(v3.0) was approved at the IGG on the 8th March 2017.

This MCR was subsequently re-versioned to include two new process documents for use specifically in I-SEM Market trials
The re-versioned MCR(v4.0) was approved at the IGG on the 3rd May 2017

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