Change Control
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities decided that one aspect of the role of the Design Administrator will be the Support and Coordination of the change management process for the retail market.
This includes:
- Facilitating raising of change requests
- Proposing alternatives
- Impact assessment for central market systems
- Understanding and reporting on impacts on supplier systems
- Analysing issues in market operation
- Proposing changes to remedy these.
Types of Change Control Requests:
- Design Discussion Requests
- Market Change Requests
- Code Change Requests
The CRU, Industry Participants or RMDS may initiate a change to one or more of the base-lined market design documents covered by the change control process. The first step in this process is for the initiating party to request a Discussion Request. Together with RMDS the Discussion Request will be raised.
RMDS will distribute completed Discussion Requests to the ReMCoWG/IGG no less than 5 working days prior to the ReMCoWG/IGG meeting / IGG Conference Call. Completed Discussion Requests will be reviewed at the IGG/Conference Call where it will be either approved or carried forward for further discussion or clarification. The Discussion Request may be re-issued when necessary.
Discussion Requests when approved by the market forums are then progressed to Market Change Requests.
View Design Discussion Requests.
Raise a Discussion Request Online.
Once a Design Discussion request has been approved, RMDS shall be responsible for ensuring that a Market Change Request (MCR) is issued. Market participants will receive the MCR no less than 5 working days prior to an ReMCoWG/IGG or IGG Conference Call. Once approved by the market participants, RMDS will forward the MCR to the CRU for their approval. Once approved by CRU, the MCR will form part of the prioritisation list for any subsequent market design releases, until implemented.
A Code Change Request is a change to the co-ordinated baseline where changes include:
1. Non-enumerated (Non Schema validated) codes/fields that already exist in the retail market design. These coded values can be implemented outside of a market release by the DSOs.
2. Non conformances within the Co-ordinated Baseline (such as spelling, missing text, inaccuracies. Documentation changes only )
The change process for a CoBLCR is accelerated to a single approval cycle.
RMDS manages the publication and administration of the market design. The market design is currently published on the RMDS website. The market undergoes a Schema related Market release on an average of once a year. These Minor Market Releases are intended to take place each quarter.