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MCR1169 - Addition of Postal Code to two Downloadable Meter Point Details

This change request is for the addition, in ROI, of Postal Codes into two Downloadable Meter Point Details Files.

Two Downloadable Meter Point Details Files will be amended to include Postal Codes.

There are five files in the suite of Downloadable Meter Point Files. They are
1. Domestic MRPN Details (domS_CUST.csv) ;
2. Domestic Meter Details (dom_reg.csv) ;
3. Commercial MPRN Details (COMM_CUST.csv);
4. Commercial Meter Details (COM_REG.csv)
5. Unmetered MPRN Details (unmt_cust.csv).

Two of these five files are impacted by this proposed change.
They are:
1.Domestic MRPN Details (domS_CUST.csv) ;
3.Commercial MPRN Details (COMM_CUST.csv);

For each of these two files
For the Meter Point Address, the Postal Code, where it is available in the Central Market System, will be populated in a new Postal Code column.

The new Postal Code column will be added after the Region column.

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