MCR1157 - Smart Metering Data Processing and Data Aggregation
The CER, working closely with the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (DCENR), established the National Smart Metering Programme (NSMP) in late 2007. In Phase 1, a trial was carried out in order to assess the costs and benefits of smart meters and to inform decisions relating to the full rollout. In July 2012 a decision was announced to rollout electricity and gas smart meters for all residential and small and medium sized businesses. Phase 2 commenced in January 2013 and is broadly composed of a high level design and procurement phase. [CER14046]
The Smart Metering High Level Design Decision Paper published in October 2014 outlines the decisions with regard to the high level design stage within Phase 2 with regards to 1) Core Design, 2) Time of Use Tariffs, 3) Presentation of Energy Usage information to consumers and 4) Pay As You Go (PAYG) solution. This next stage is to work through 5 process groups sequentially at MPD and Schema detail level to inform the Detail Design of the ROI Retail Market Design.
This MCR provides details of the Retail Market Design within the Process Group of Data Processing and Data Aggregation.
This MCR has been produced by the National Smart Metering Programme, following an approved process with Market Participants in ROI and NI, involving six months of retail market workshops with regular status updates to the ReMCoWG.
The scope and content of the proposed changes, involving changes to Market Messages, Data Items, Data Definitions and Data Codes, would not conviently be described directly in this MCR document.
Rather, the details are contained in the embedded Presentation Pack and amended Design Documents (with track changes).
This MCR forms part of the 4 approved MCRs 1157-1160 for the Retail Market Design – National Smart Metering Programme, ESB Networks Workstream.